Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18th Generosity Devotional

February 18, 2013


You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

I just overflowed my coffee cup.  

I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened.  I had brewed a fresh pot of coffee from some dark roasted beans that my brother-in-law brought back from his recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  It smelled so good and I was in a hurry. I was pouring a cup while reaching for some half and half and trying to find a spoon. The cup overflowed and hot, dark, staining liquid spilled on the counter top, floor, onto my khacki pants, my shoes, and my bare skin. Ouch. What a mess!  

When something overflows, people notice- whether it is an overflowing coffee cup, a river spilling over the top of a levy or a clogged toilet. Overflow draws lots of attention because something unexpected or uncommon is happening.

When we overflow into the lives of others, people notice too.  Uncommon or unexpected words of encouragement and acts of love and generosity are evidence of God’s overflow in our lives. When we allow ourselves to overflow into the lives of others, the Bible says “people see our good works and praise our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).”   We don’t overflow to draw attention to ourselves, but to our God.

I think the enemy tries to keep us from overflowing.  If he can keep the coffee in the cup or the salt in the shaker then our impact for God’s kingdom is contained, limited.  But when we overflow there is no limit to what God can do- God is glorified and his grace is enlarged in our lives and in the lives of others.

Overflow with a random act of kindness today! You might be surprised how God’s kingdom breaks through.

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